Page:Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania Report of Progress PPP.djvu/56

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cross-section sheets, all relating to the Mahanoy-Shamokin Basin in Schuylkill, Columbia, an d Northumberland counties. In press. Chas A. Ashburner. Geologist in Charge, and A. W. Shuafur :Incl Bard Wells, Assistant Geologists Price, S ; postage, S .

AA. Atlas Northen Field, Part I, 1884. Contains 6 mine sheets between Wilkes Barre and Nanticoke, 3 cross-section sheets and — columnar section sheets, all relating to the Wyoming Basin in Luzerne county. In press Chas. A. Ashburner, Geologist in Charge, and Frank A. Hill, Assistant Geologist. Price, S ; postage, S .

G2 Part II. Loyalstock Coal Basin, Sullivan County. By Franklin Platt. (See Reports Central Pennsylvania.)


F. Part II. East Broad Top District, Huntingdon County. By Chas.A. Ashburner (See Reports Central Pennsylvania.)

G. Report of the Progress in Bradford and Tioga Counties—1874-8. I.Limits of the Catskill and Chemung Formation. By Andrew Sherwood II. Description of the Barclay, Blossburg, Fall Brook, Arnot, Antrim and Gaines Coal Fields, and at the Forks of Pine Creek in Potter County. By Franklin Platt. III. On the Coking of Bituminous Coal. By John Fulton. Illustrated with 2 colored Geological county maps, 3 page plates, and 35 cuts. 8 vo., pp. 271. Price, $1 00; postage, $0 12.

G2. Part II. Coal Basins, Sullivan and Lycoming Counties. By Franklin Platt. (See Reports Central Pennsylvania.)

G3. Report of Progress in 1876-9. The Geology of POTTER COUNTY, by ,Andrew Sherwood. Report on the Coal Fields, by Franklin Platt, with a colored geological map of the county, two folded plates, and two page plates of sections. S vo., pp. 120. Price, $0 53; postage, $0 08.

G4. Report of Progress Part I. Geology of Clinton County. Part II. A special study of the Carboniferous and Devonian Strata along the West branch of Susquehanna River. By H. Martyn Chance. Included in this report is a description of the Renovo Coal Basin, by Chas. A. Ashburner, and notes on the Tangascootack Coal Basin in Centre and Clinton Counties, by Franklin Platt. Price, Sl 05; postage, $0 12.

H. Report of Progress in the Clearfield and Jefferson District of the Bituminos Coal Fieldsof Western Pennsylvania,—1874. By Franklin Platt. 8 vo., pp. 296, illustrated by 139 cuts, 8 maps, and 2 sections. Price in paper, $l 50; postage, £0 13.

H2. Report of Progress in the Cambria and Somerset District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania—1876. By F. and W. G. Platt. Pp. 191, illustrated with 84 wood-cuts, and 6 maps and sections. Part II. Somerset. Price. $1 00: postage, $0 18.

H3.Report of Progress in the Cambria and Somerset District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania—1876 By F. and W.G Platt PP. 348, illustrated by 110 wood-cuts and 6 maps and sections. Part II. Somerset. Price. $0 55 ; postage, $0 18.

H4. Report of Progress in Indiana County—1877. by W. G. Platt. Pp 316. With a colored map of the county. Price, $0 80: postage, $0 14.

H5. Report of Progress in Armstrong County—1879. By W. G. Platt. Pp. 338. With a colored map of the county. Price, $0 7.5; postage, $0 16.

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