Page:Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania Report of Progress PPP.djvu/57

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H6. Report of Progress in Jefferson County—1880; with colored map of county. By W. G. Platt. Price, $0 60; postage, $0 12.

H7. A Revision of the Bituminous Coal Measures of Clearfield County—1884: with a colored geological county map; outcrop map of me Houtzdale Basin, and coal bed sections in the text. By H. M. Chance. Price,$; postage, S .

I4. Quaker Hill Coal. Basin, Warren County. By John F. Carll. (Sea Reports Pertoleum Fields.)

K. Report on Greene and Washington Counties—1875, Bituminous Coal Fields. By J. J. Stevenson. 8 vo., pp. 420. illustrated by 3 sections and 2 county maps, showing the depth of the Pittsburgh and Waynesburg coal bed beneath the surface at numerous points. Price in paper, $0 65; postage, $0 16.

K2. Report of Progress in the Fayette and Westmoreland District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania—1876. By J. J. Stevenson; pp. 437, illustrated by 50 wood-cuts and 3 county maps colored. Part I. Eastern Allegheny County, and Fayette and Westmoreland Counties. westChestnut Ridge. Price, $1 40: postage. $0 20.

K3. Report of Progress in the Fayette and Westmoreland District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania—1877. By J. J. Stevenson. Pp. 331. Part'll. The Ligonier Valley. Illustrated with 107 wood-cuts, 2 plates, and 2 county maps, colored. Price, $1 10; postage,$0 16.

M, M2 and M3. Reports of Progress in the Laboratory. By Andrew S. McCreath. Contains coal analyses.

P. Report and Atals of the Atlas and Coal Flora. By Leo Lesqucreux.

P2. Report of the Permian and Upper Carboniferous Flora. By Wm. M. Fontaine and I. C. White. (See Miscellaneous Reports.) Q. Report of Progresss in the Beaver River District of the Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. By I. C.White. Pp. 337 illustrated with 3 Geological maps of part of beaver, Butler, and Allegheny Counties, and 21 plates of vertical sections. 1875. Price, $1 40: postage, $0 20.

Q2. Report of Progress in1877. The Geology of Lawrence County, to which is appended a Special Report on the Correlation of the Coal Measures in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. 8 vo., pp. 336, with a colored Geological Map of the county, and 134 Vertical sections. By I. C. White. Price, $0 70 postage, $0 15.

Q3. Reort of Progress in 1878 by I. C. White, with a colored geological map of county, and 119 vertical sections. 8 vo. pp. 233. Price $0 60; postage,$0 11.

R. Report of Progress. The Geology of McKean County, and its connection with that of Cameron, Elk and Forest, with Atlas containing 8 sheets of maps and sections. By Chas. A. Ashburner. Price, $1 70;postage, $0 22.

T Coal Measures, Blair County. by Franklin Platt.

T2. Coal Measures, Bedford and Fulton Counties. By J.J Stevenson. (See Reports Central Pnnnsylvnnin.)

V. Report of Progress—1878. Part I The Northern Townships of Butler county. Part 11. A special survey made in 1875, along the Beaver and Shenango rivers, in Beaver, Lawrence, and Mercer Counties. 8 vo., pp. 248, with 4 maps, 1 profile section and 154 vertical sections, By H. Martyn Chance. Price, $0 70; postage, $0 15

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