Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/283

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Peacock (T. L.). Misfortunes of Elphin; and Crotchet Castle. Intro. by R. W. Chapman. (244)

Peacock (W.). English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin. (45)

English Prose. 5 vols.:—

Wycliffe to Clarendon. (219)Walpole to Lamb. (221)

Milton to Gray. (220)Landor to Holmes. (222)

Mrs. Gaskell to Henry James. (223)

Selected English Essays. (32)

Persian (From the). The Three Dervishes, and Other Stories. (254)

Poe (Edgar Allan). Tales of Mystery and Imagination. (21)

Polish Tales. Else C. M. Benecke and Marie Busch. (230)

Prescott (W. H.). The Conquest of Mexico. 2 vols. (197, 198)

Reynolds (Sir Joshua). The Discourses, and the Letters to ‘The Idler’. Introduction by Austin Dobson. (149)

Rossetti (Christina). Goblin Market, Prince’s Progress, &c. (184)

Rossetti (D. G.). Poems and Translations, 1850–1870. (185)

Ruskin. (Ruskin House Editions, by arrangement with Messrs. Allen and Unwin, Ltd.)

‘A Joy for Ever,’ and The Two Paths. Illustrated. (147)

Sesame and Lilies, and Ethics of the Dust. (145)

Time and Tide, and The Crown of Wild Olive. (146)

Unto this Last, and Munera Pulveris. (148)

Russian Short Stories. Selected and translated by A. E. Chamot. (287)

Scott. Ivanhoe. (29) Lives of the Novelists. Intro. Austin Dobson. (94)

Poems. A Selection. (186)

Selected English Short Stories. (Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.) Two Series. (193, 228)

Selected Speeches and Documents on British Colonial Policy (1763–1917). Ed. A. B. Keith. 2 vols. (215, 216)

Selected Speeches and Documents on Indian Policy (1756–1921). Edited, with Introduction. by Prof. A. B. Keith. (231, 232)

Selected Speeches on British Foreign Policy (1738–1914). Edited by Edgar R. Jones, M.P. (201)

Shakespeare. Plays and Poems. Preface by A. C. Swinburne. Introductions by Edward Dowden. 9 vols.

Comedies. 3 vols. (100, 101, 102)

Histories and Poems, 3 vols. (103, 104, 105)

Tragedies. 3 vols. (106, 107, 108)

Shakespeare’s Contemporaries. Six Plays by Beaumont and Fletcher, Dekker, Webster, and Massinger. Edited by C. B. Wheeler. (199)

Shakespearean Criticism. A Selection. Ed. D. N. Smith. (212)

Shelley. Poems. A Selection. (187)

Sheridan. Plays. Introduction by Joseph Knight. (79)

Smith (Adam). The Wealth of Nations. 2 vols. (54, 59)

Smith (Alexander). Dreamthorp, with Selections from Last Leaves. Introduction by Prof. Hugh Walker. (200)

Smollett. Travels France and Italy. Intro. T. SECCOMBE. (90)

Humphry Clinker. With an Introduction by T. Rice-Oxley. (290)