Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/284

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Sophocles. The Seven Plays, Trans. Lewis Campbell. (116)

Southey. Letters. Selected by M. H. FitzGerald. (169)

Sterne. Tristram Shandy. (40)

Stevenson (R. L.). Treasure Island. (295)Virginibus Puerisque. (296)

Swift. Gulliver’s Travels. (20)

Taylor (Meadows). Confessions of a Thug. (207)

Tennyson. Selected Poems. Introduction by Sir H. Warren. (3)

Thackeray. Book of Snobs, Sketches and Travels in London, &c. (50)

Henry Esmond. (28)

Thoreau. Walden. Introduction by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (68)

Twenty-three Tales. Translated by L. and A. Maude. (72)

Three Dervishes, The, &c. Stories from the Persian by R. LEVY. (254)

Tolstoy. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude.

A Confession, and What I Believe. (229)

Anna Karenina. 2vols. (210, 211)

The Cossacks, &c. (208)Essays and Letters. (46)

The Kreutzer Sonata, &c. (266)Plays, complete. (243)

Resurrection. (209)Twenty-three Tales. (72)

War and Peace. 3 vols. (233–5)What then must we do? (281)

Trelawny (E. J.). Adventures of a Younger Son. With an Intro. by Ethel Colburn Mayne. (289)

Trollope. An Autobiography. Intro. by Michael Sadleir. (239)

Barchester Towers. (268)

The Belton Estate. (251)

The Claverings. Intro. by G. S. Street. (252)

Miss Mackenazie. (278)Orley Farm. (292)Rachel Ray. (279)

The Three Clerks. Intro. by W. Teignmouth Shore. (140)

The Warden. (217)The Vicar of Bullhampton. (272)

Virgil. Trans. by Dryden. (37)Trans. by J. Rhoades. (227)

Watts-Dunton (Theodore). Aylwin. (52)

Wells (Charles). Joseph and his Brethren. With an Introduction by A. C. Swinburne, and a Note by T. Watts-Dunton. (143)

White (Gilbert). The Natural History of Selborne. (22)

Whitman. Leaves of Grass: A Selection. Introduction by E. de Sélincourt. (218)

Whittier. Poems: A Selection. (188)

Wordsworth. Poems: A Selection. (189)

Other Volumes in preparation.

London Edinburgh Glasgow Copenhagen
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Bombay Calcutta Madras Shanghai
Humphrey Milford
