Page:Selections. Translated by H. St. J. Thackeray (1919).djvu/210

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The figures in brackets refer to the numbered translations.

      B.C. | Judæa and Syria. | Rome.
               | |
      135 | John Hyrcanus I (56) |
      104 | Aristobulus I |
      103 | Alexander Jannæus (57) |
       76 | Queen Alexandra (57) (58) |
       67 | Aristobulus II |
       63 | Pompey takes Jerusalem and |
               | Syria becomes a Roman |
               | province (8) |
       63-40 | Hyrcanus II a Roman vassal |
  c. 57 | Gabinius divides Palestine into |
               | five districts (9) |
       48 | | Battle of Pharsalia
               | | Defeat of Pompey
               | | by J. Cæsar
       47 | Palestinian settlement under |
               | J. Cæsar (10) |
  c. 46 | Antipater and Herod in power. |
               | Trial of Herod (12) |
       44 | | Death of J. Cæsar
  c. 43 | Cassius in Syria. Herod made |
               | governor of Cœle-Syria (13) |
       42 | | Battle of Philippi.
               | | Defeat of Brutus
               | | and Cassius by
               | | Antony and Octavian
       41 | Antony appoints Herod and |
               | Phasæl tetrarchs of Judæa |
               | (14) |
       40 | Invasion of Palestine by the |
               | Parthians. Flight of Herod |
               | to Rome (15) |
       40-37 | Antigonus |