Page:Selections. Translated by H. St. J. Thackeray (1919).djvu/211

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       37 | Jerusalem captured by Herod |
               | and Sosius. |
       37-4 | Herod the Great |
       31 | | Battle of Actium.
               | | Defeat of Antony
               | | by Augustus
       30 | Herod's kingdom confirmed by |
               | Augustus (16) |
       29 | Execution of Mariamne (17) |
       23 | Trachonitis etc. added to |
               | Herod's kingdom (18) |
  c. 7 | Execution of Alexander and |
               | Aristobulus (20) |
        4 | Death of Herod |
               | His kingdom divided between |
               | Archelaus (B.C. 4-A.D. 6) } |
               | Philip (B.C. 4-A.D. 34) } (22)|
               | and Antipas (B.C. 4-A.D. 39) } |
    AD. | |
        6 | Judaæa annexed to the province |
               | of Syria under procurators |
               | (23) |
        6/7 | Census of Quirinius and revolt |
               | of Judas (24) |
       14 | | Tiberius
       26-36 | Pontius Pilate procurator (25) |
               | (28) |
       37 | Herod Agrippa I. (30) | Caligula (31)
       41 | | Claudius (32)
       44 | Death of Herod Agrippa I. (33) |
               | { Famine in Judæa (34) |
  c. 46 | { Crucifixion of sons of Judas |
               | { (35) |
       50-100 | Herod Agrippa II. (3) (36) |
       54 | | Nero
               | Procurators— |
       52-60 | Felix (36) } |
       60-62 | Festus } (39) |
       62-64 | Albinus } |
       64-66 | Gessius Florus } |
       66 | Outbreak of war with Rome |
               | Cessation of daily offering for |
               | the Emperor (40) |