Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/151

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amongst the people news of a pilgrimage (saying), "Verily the Apostle of God goeth on pilgrimage." Then many men came to Madína, and we went out with him until we reached Dhuʾl-Huḍaifah. Then Asmá bint ʿUmais gave birth to a son, Muḥammad bin Abú Bakr. And she sent to the Apostle of God (saying), "How shall I manage?" He replied, "Bathe, and bind thy loins with a cloth, and put on the pilgrim garb." Then the Apostle of God prayed in the mosque, and afterwards mounted (his camel) Al Qaswá, until, when his camel arrived with him at Baidái, he made the declaration of the unity, saying, "Here I am at Thy service, O God. Here I am at Thy service. Here I am at Thy service. Thou hast no partner. Here I am at Thy service. Verily praise and favour and dominion are for Thee. Thou hast no partner."' Jábir said, 'We had not intended any more than the pilgrimage. We had not known of the lesser pilgrimage, until, when we came to the House (of God at Mecca) with him, he kissed the (black) stone and ran round the house quickly three times, and walked round it four times. Then he approached the place of Abraham and recited, "Then take the place of Abraham as a place of prayer,"[1] And he fixed the place between it and the House.' And in another tradition it runs, 'He recited in two rakʿahs, "Say, He is one God" and, "Say, O unbelievers." Then he returned to the stone, and kissed it. Then he came out from the door to (Mount) Ṣafá, and when he drew near to (Mount) Ṣafá, he recited, "Verily, Al Ṣafá and Al Marwah are of the signs of God. I begin with what God began." Then he began with Al Ṣafá and ascended it until he saw the House. Then he faced the temple of Mecca and repeated the declaration of the unity and said, "God is great! There is no God but Alláh alone. He has no partner. For Him is the dominion, and for Him is the praise, and He is powerful over all things. There is no God but Alláh alone. He has kept his promise and helped His servant, and alone put to rout the confederate enemy." After that he prayed in the midst of it and said similar words three times. Then he descended and walked to (Mount) Marwah until his feet went down into the bottom of the valley. Then he ran until, when ascending, he walked until he came to Al

  1. Súratuʾl-Baqara (ii) 126.