Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/152

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Marwah. Then he did on Al Marwah as he had done on Al Ṣafá, until when he came to the last circumambnlation of Marwah he called out whilst still on Marwah and the people beneath him. He said, "If I had known before what I knew afterwards, I would not have brought the sacrifice and would have made it a lesser pilgrimage. And whoever of you has not a sacrifice with him, let him put off the pilgrim garb, and let him consider it as the lesser pilgrimage." Then Suráqah bin Sálik bin Juʿshum stood up and said, "O Apostle of God, is this for this year only or for always?" Then the Apostle of God entwined his fingers in one another and said twice over, "The lesser pilgrimage has entered into the pilgrimage not (for this year only) but for always." Then ʿAli came from Yemen with the Prophet's victims for sacrifice. The Prophet said, "What didst thou say when thou imposed upon thyself the pilgrimage?" He replied, "I said, O God, verily I put on as the pilgrim garb what Thine Apostle put on." He said, "Verily the victims for sacrifice are with me, therefore do not put off thy pilgrim garb." (Jábir) said, 'All the victims for sacrifice which ʿAlí had brought from Yemen, and those which the Prophet had brought numbered one hundred.' He said, 'Then all the people put off their pilgrim garb and shortened their hair, except the Prophet and those with whom were victims for sacrifice. Then when the day of Tarwiyah came they set their faces towards Mina and put off the pilgrim garb. And the Prophet rode to it, and performed the midday, afternoon, evening, night and morning prayers. Then he remained a little until the sun rose, and then he ordered a tent of hair to be pitched for him in Namirah. Then the Apostle of God went on, and the Quraish did not doubt but that he would stop at Al Mashaʿruʾl-Ḥarám, as the Quraish used to do in the times of ignorance. But the Apostle of God passed on until he came to Arafat. And he found that a tent had been pitched for him in Namirah, so he dismounted and entered it until, when the sun had declined, he ordered his camel, Al Qáswah, and it was brought to him, and he came to the bottom of the valley. Then he addressed the people and said, "Verily your blood and your goods are forbidden you, as this day in this month in this land is forbidden. Are not the commands of the time of