Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/319

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(surrounded by clouds). And the valley of Qanah flowed for a month; and no one came from any direction, but what he reported an abundance (of rain).' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from Abu Hurairah that, 'On the day (of the battle) of Tabuq the people became hungry. Then 'Omar said, "O Apostle of God, call them to bring the remains of their rations and then pray to God for them for a blessing upon it." He replied, "Yes." Then he called for a piece of leather and spread it out. After that he called for the remains of their rations. And some people began to bring handfuls of millet, others brought handfuls of dates, others brought small pieces of food until a small quantity of things was gathered together on the piece of leather. Then the Apostle of God prayed for a blessing, and afterwards he said, "Take it in your vessels." (And they took it) until they did not leave amongst the soldiers a single vessel that was not filled.' Abu Hurairah said, 'And they ate until they were satisfied; and there remained some over. And the Apostle of God said, " I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and that I am the Apostle of Allah. There is no servant who will meet God with these two testimonies, free of doubt, who will be prevented from entering paradise." Muslim.

It is related from Abu Miisa that he said, ' Abu Talib went out to Syria; and the Prophet of God, (then a boy), went with him, together with some old men of the Quraish. And when they came near to a certain monk they alighted and opened their pack-saddles. Then the monk came out to them and they used, before that, to pass by him; neither was he in the habit of coming out to them as they were opening their pack-saddles. And the monk began to -pass amongst them until he came to and seized the hand of the Apostle of God. And he said, " This is the master of all the worlds; this is the Apostle of the Lord of all the worlds. God has sent him as a mercy to all the worlds." Then the old men of the Quraish said to him, ' What knowledge hast thou? " He replied, ' When ye drew near to Al 'Aqabah there remained neither tree nor stone that did not bow down in prostration; but these do not prostrate to any, but prophets. And I recognize him by the seal of prophecy which is beneath the cartilage of his