Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/320

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shoulder, like an apple." After that he returned and prepared food for them. And when he brought it to them, (the Apostle) was amongst the flock of camels. Then the monk said, " Send for him." And he drew near; and above him was a cloud shading him. And when he came near to the people, he found that they had preceded him to the shade of a tree. And \\ 7 hen he sat down the shade of the tree inclined towards him. Then (the monk) said, "Look at the shade of the tree inclining to- wards him! " And he said, " I adjure you by God, who of you is his guardian? " They said, " Abu Talib." And he continued to adjure him until Abu Talib sent him (i.e. Muhammad) back. And Abu Bakr sent Bilal with him. And the monk provided cakes and olives for his journey.' At TirmidJn.

It is related from Buraidah that, ' The Apostle of God said, 'When we arrived at the Holy House (at Jerusalem), Gabriel made a sign with his finger and therewith perforated a stone. And he tied up Buraq to the stone." At Tirmidhi.

It is related from Ibn 'Abbas that, ' A woman brought her son to the Apostle of God and said, ' ' O Apostle of God, verily my son is mad. And it seizes him morning and evening." Then the Apostle of God rubbed his hand on the boy's breast and prayed. And he vomited, and there came forth out of his belly a thing like a black puppy running about.' Al Ddrimi.

It is related from Ibn ' Abbas that, ' A desert Arab came to the Apostle of God and said, " By what means may I know that thou art a prophet? " He replied, " That I call this cluster of dates from this date-tree to bear witness that I am the Apostle of God." Then the Apostle of God called; and it began to come down from the date-tree until it fell beside the Prophet. Then he said, " Return." And it returned to its place; and the desert Arab embraced Islam.' At Tirmidht.

It is related from Jabir that a Jewish woman of the inhabit- ants of Khaibar poisoned some roasted mutton and then present- ed it to the Apostle of God. Then the Apostle of God took a fore-leg and ate of it; and a small number of his companions ate of it with him. Then the Apostle of God said, " Withhold your hands! ' And he sent to the Jewess and called her and said, ' Didst thou poison this mutton? " She replied, " Who infor- med thee? " He said, " This piece of fore-leg which is in my