Bangorian controversy, 331.
Bartholomew, bishop, 134, 146.
Basel, Council of, 309.
Bath, earldom of, 350.
Bavaria, the House of, 215.
Beaufort, cardinal, 151, 185.
Becket, archbishop, 78, 117, 120, 122, 125-127, 128, 130, 134, 139, 143, 144, 145, 147, 152, 154, 183, 301, 303.
Bede, 8, 150, 296.
Beeke, Dr. H., 383.
Benedict of Peterborough, 120, 125, 148.
Benedict of S. Maur, 154.
Benefit of clergy limited, 319, 362.
'Benevolences,' 359, 360.
Berengaria, queen, 161.
Bernard, S., 132, 133, 138.
Bernard Andreas of Toulouse, 340.
Berytus, 171, 174 sq., 181 sq.
Bigelow, Mr. M., 380.
Bishoprics, new, under Henry VIII, 269, 287.
Blackfriars, parliament at, 269.
Blacketone, sir W., 362, 365.
Blount, Bessie, 245, 254.
Boase, C. W., 375.
Boccaccio, 190, 195.
Bohemond III, 161.
Bohemond IV, 177, 179.
Bohemond V, 173.
Bohemond VI, 179.
Boleyn, Anne, 245, 254, 256, 257, 260, 270, 277, 279, 283, 285, 286.
Bologna, University of, 138, 139 sq., 300, 302, 320.
Boniface of Savoy, archbishop, 305, 308.
Boniface, S., 297.
Boniface VIII, pope, 186, 189, 216, 308.
Bosworth Field, battle of, 338, 347, 355, 361.
Boucicault, marshal, 199.
Boulogne, expedition to (), 358, 363, 366.
Bourges, Pragmatic Sanction of, 309.
Boutario, E., 66.
Bracton, 304, 305.
Brady, Dr., 67 sq.
Bray, sir Reginald, 354.
Breakspere, Nicolas, 125, 132.
Brewer, J. S., 57, 378.
Brittany and Henry VII, 358, 366, 367.
Britton, 305.
Brown, Master Thomas, 120, 133 sq., 147.
Browne, C, applies for leave to proceed as Bachelor and Doctor of the Canon Law at Oxford (), 331.
Brunner, Dr., 63, 380.
Brunswick, House of, in relation to literature, 3.
Bryce, prof., 10, 39.
Budinger, Dr., 380.
Burchard of Worms, 297 sq.
Burgundy, treaty of Henry VII with, 349, 366.
Burrows, prof. M., 10, 30, 52, 375.
Burton, Robert, 153.
Cæsarea, 177.
Calais, garrison of (), 364.
Cambridge, Bp. More's MSS. presented to, 4.
begins the study of Modern History, 6.
Civil and Canon Law at, 311.
degree of LL.D. at, 320, 330.
Camden, W., 6.
Campegio, cardinal, 254.
Camville, Richard, 162.
Canons of , 327.
Canterbury Letters, the, 128 sq.
Canterbury under Henry II, 145.
Capgrave, 191.
Caraman, the grand, 202.
Cardon, Signer, 380.
Carlyle's Frederick the Cheat, etc., 60, 81, 92, 116, 378.
Catherine Howard, 288.
Catholicate, the Armenian, 159.
Cawdrey's case, 326, 328, 329.
Caxton, William, 339, 340.
Celestine III, pope, 166.
Chancellors, lay and clerical, 327.
Chancery, Court of, 321.
Chaplains, domestic, of noblemen, 143.
Chapuys dispatches, 272, 279, 285.
Charles I, king of England, 109, 327, 329.
Charles II, 329.
Charles IV, emperor, 193, 211.
Charles V, 227, 228, 235, 254, 290, 337, 368 sq.
Charles VI, king of France, 197, 199.
Charles VII, 226.
Charles VXII, 228, 335, 337, 366, 367.
Charles of Anjou, 179-181, 186, 204.
Charlotte of Bourbon, queen, 200.
Charlotte of Lusignan, queen of Cyprus, 203 ; marries Lewis, Count of Geneva, ib.
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