Chester, colonel J. L., 70.
Chicheater under Henry II, 146.
Chronique d'Outremer, 154, 163-165.
Civil and Canon Law, 301 sqq., 319 sqq.
Clement V, pope, 308.
Clement VI, 197.
Clement VII, 277.
Clementines, the, 308.
Clifford, sir Robert, 349.
Cobden on Thucydides, alluded to, 86, 106.
Coke, sir E., 272, 302, 306, 326, 328, 329, 332.
Colet, John, 342.
Columbanus, 296.
Columbus, 340.
Committees of the House of Commons, 325.
Comneni, the, 221.
ComposteUa, 127.
Confirmation of Charters, 179.
Congé d'eslire, 327.
Constantine, legislation of, 295.
Constantine Monomachus, 159.
Constantius, king of Armenia, 189, 197.
Constitution, the English, medieval growth of the, 223.
Constitutions of Clarendon, 303.
Convocation under Henry VII, 359, 360; under Henry VIII, 277 sqq., 319; silenced under the House of Hanover, 311.
Comaro, Caterina, 203 sq.
Cosack, Dr., 38.
Coulanges, Eustel de, 66.
Court of High Commission, 324-326, 329, 330.
Court of Requests, 324.
Coxe, archdeacon, 61.
Cramer, Dr., 7.
Cranmer, archbishop, 244, 245, 249, 256, 357. 261, 284, 286, 322.
Creighton, prof. M., 379.
Crimean War, the, 59, 104, 238.
Crofts, sir Herbert, 327.
Cromwell, Oliver, 109, 330.
Cromwell, Thomas, 244, 245, 248, 249, 256-260, 271, 273-275, 278, 282, 284, 286-288, 290, 319.
Crowland Abbey, 148, 340.
Crusades, their character and results, 157, 221 sqq., 226; turn of the tide which had led them on, 177; their last days, 181.
Cyprus, the Latin kingdom of, 160 sqq. Church of, 163, 166; conquered by the Turks (), 204.
Damietta, 190.
'Dark Ages,' the, 81.
David, Master (canon of S. Paul's), 139.
Decretals, the, 312, 319 ; forged, 297, 298.
Deoretum, the, 300, 302, 305-307.
Degrees in Canon Law, abolished by T. Cromwell, 319; cf, 323.
'De heretico combureudo,' the writ, 329.
De la Poles, the, 335, 347, 350-352.
Dene, archbishop, 354.
Derby, earl of, 349.
Despensers, the, 361.
Dialogus de Scaccario, 133, 150, 152.
Dicey, prof. A. V., 38.
Dionysius Exiguus, 296, 297.
Dissolution of Monasteries, 258-259, 261, 270, 286, 287.
Doctors' Commons, 325, 332.
Doctors of Civil Law, legislation of with regard to, 320; 325, 330.
'Domesday, the New,' 46.
Dorset, lord, 348.
Dover and its Chronicle, 145.
Draco Normannicus, 68, 147, 151.
Drake's Eboracum, 64.
Dugdale, sir W., 8.
Dümmler, prof., 62.
Duns Scotus, 212!
Dnnstan, 79, 297, 300.
Durham under Henry II, 149.
Dynham, lord, 354.
Earle, prof. J., 79.
Eccard, J. G., 3.
Edward I, king of England, 51, 118, 151, 164, 179, 180, 183, 185-188, 190, 210, 212, 219, 255, 280, 339, 365.
Edward II, 186, 188, 220, 317.
Edward III, 151, 190, 194, 197, 219, 317, 344, 365.
Edward IV, 338, 344, 349, 355, 356.
Edward V, 347.
Edward VI, 234, 269, 321 sqq.,344 sq.
Egbert of York, 296.
Egremont heads a riot at Thirsk, 348.
Eleanor, queen of Castile, 123.
Eleanor of Aragon, queen of Peter I of Cyprus, 196.
Eleanor, queen of Henry II, 121, 178.
Elizabeth, queen of England, her ancestry, 205, 234, 268, 322; her ecclesiastical policy, 323-326, 331, 341, 344.
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