Elizabeth, queen of Edward IV, 204, 346, 348.
Elizabeth of York, 345, 366.
Elton, C. I., 380.
Ely, chronicle of, 148.
Empire, the, in the Middle Ages, 214 sq.
Empson and Dudley, 248, 354, 357, 360 sq., 370.
Encomium Emmae, 68.
Episcopate, the, under Edward VI, 321-323, 327-328.
Erasmus, 260, 339, 369.
Etaples, peace of, 366-367.
Executions for religious causes in England, 329.
Exeter under Henry II, 146.
Extravagants, the, 306-308.
Eystein, archbishop, 124 sq..
Faculties of the Canon and Civil Laws at the Universities, 311.
Fairfax, sir T., 330.
Famagosta, 162, 164, 166 sqq., 187, 193, 195, 196, 199, 200, 201, 203.
Fantosme, Jordan, 154.
Fell, bishop, 6.
Female education, a suggestion for, circa , 185 sq.
Ferdinand and Isabella, 335, 337, 350, 361, 368, 369.
Ferrers, lord, 355.
Feudal polity in Cyprus, 163-165.
Fisher, bishop, 258, 276, 284.
Fitz-Neal, Richard, 120.
Fitz-Stephen, William, 147, 152.
Flammock heads, a rising in Cornwall, 350.
Fleta, 305.
Flodden, battle of, 244.
Foliot, Gilbert, 120, 128, 139, 146.
Foliot, Robert, 143, 147.
Fortescue, Sir John, 178.
Fountains Abbey, 124.
Fox, Bishop Richard, 248.
France, historical activity in, 65.
Francis, duke of Brittany, 366.
Francis I, king of France, 228, 283, 290. 352,
Frederick I, Barbarossa, 125.
Frederick II, emperor, 164, 166, 172, 174, 175, 210.
Frederick III, 212 sq., 335, 336.
Frederick the Great, 231.
Freeman, prof. E. A., 57, 58, 111, 117, 133, 379, 384.
French Revolution, the, 237.
Froisaart, 192, 193.
Froude's History of England, &c., 57, 117. 290.
Fulk the Good, quoted, 119.
Fulman, W., 6.
Fyffe, C. A., 379.
Gairdner, J., 379.
Gaisford, dean, 8.
Gale, T., 6.
Game Law, an early, 363.
Gardiner, bishop Stephen, 244-245, 249, 261, 283.
Gardiner, Samuel R., 57, 379.
Gamier of Pont S. Maxenee, 154.
Gaveston, Piers, 335.
Genealogical study, its importance, 50.
Genoa and Venice, their rupture and its effects, 177, 180 sq., 185, 192, 196, 200 sq.
decline of, 199.
Geoffrey of Brittany, 123.
George I, king of England, his reign and character, 2 sqq.
George II, 4.
George III, 4, 329.
George IV, 4, 245.
George V, king of Hanover, 4.
Gerard la Pucelle, 143.
Germany, medieval, 214, 220.
Gervase of Canterbury, 145.
of Chichester, 146.
of Tilbury, 122, 144, 147, 151.
Gesta Regis Henrici, 147.
""Ricardi, 154.
""Stephani, 151.
Gibson, bishop, 6, 331.
Gilbert of la Porrée, 138.
Giraldus Cambrensis, 68, 120, 139, 141, 144, 147, 152.
Giustiniani, 251.
Glanville, Gilbert, 144, 146.
Glanville, Ranulf, 144, 147, 150, 304-306.
Gneist, Dr., 380.
Godfrey of Bouillon, 167, 222.
Golden Bull, the, 211,
Gorham cage, the, 332.
Gratian, 300, 301, 302, 307.
Great S. Bernard, a glimpse of the, 128.
Green, J. R., 57, 58, 377 sq.
Gregory IX, pope, 306, 308.
Gregory XI, 197.
Grey of Codnor, John lord, 194.
Grim, Edward, 145.
Grimm's collection of Weisthümer, 64.
Grosseteste, bishop, 118, 306.
Guest, Dr. E., 378.
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