Gustavus Adolphus, 230.
Guy of Lusignan, 162, 166, 170, 173, 178.
Guy of Lusignan, king of Armenia, 197.
Hallam as a historian, 109.
on the Statute for Proclamation of Fines, 363.
Hampton Court Conference, 327.
Hanse Towna, German Scholars and history of the, 64.
Hapsburg, the House of, 227, 228.
Hardy, sir T. Duffus, 378.
Hare, sir Nicolas (Speaker), 272 sg., 289.
Hayton I, king of Armenia, 187 sqq..
Hayton II, 189.
Hayton the Monk, author of Flower of the Histories of the East, 188.
Hearne, Thomas, 6, 8.
Heeren and Urckert, 61.
Helena, queen of John III of Cyprus, 202 sq.
Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I, 108.
Henry I, king of Cyprus, 173-177.
Henry II, 180-182, 187.
Henry I, king of England, 119, 151, 361.
Henry II, his descent, character, literary culture, Sec, 118 sqq.; diplomatic activity, 124-127, 210, 303. 339.
Henry III, 178, 186, 210, 219, 308, 316.
Henry IV, 198 sq., 367.
Henry V, 185, 357.
Henry VI, 151, 337, 344.
Henry VII, 227, 248, 251, 252-253, 264, 269, 334-371.
the Hercules of the twelve labours, 338.
his courtships, 339.
his title to the throne, 343 sqq.
his marriage, 345.
dynastic complications, 346-352.
constitutional history, 353-365.
scanty materials for history of, 353.
his ministers, 354.
House of Lords in his reign, 355.
new creations, 356.
his avarice, 357.
his parliaments, 357 sqq.
his savings, 360.
legislation of his reign, 361 sqq.
his foreign policy, 365-369.
his character, 369-371.
Henry VIII, 205, 227, 228, 241-291.
military events of his reign, 243.
his character, 244 sqq.
his person and abilities, 247.
his ministers and council, 247-249.
his finance, 249-253.
the divorce, 253-255.
supreme head, 255, 318, 323.
ecclesiastical measures, 256-258.
defender of the faith, 259 sq.
ecclesiastical policy, 261-263.
legislation, &c., 262-265.
political executions, 264.
practically abolishes Canon Law, 318 sqq.
his parliaments and their constitution, convocation, &c., 269 sqq.
his dealing with the two Houses, 273-274.
the 'Long Parliament' of –, 275-286.
later Parliaments, 286 sqq.
general view, 290-291, 322, 341, 351 356, 356, 369.
Henry II, king of France, 228.
Henry IV, 229, 290, 344.
Henry VI, emperor, 160, 164, 171, 174.
Henry de Jacea, 139.
Henry of Beaumont, 130.
Henry of Blois, bishop of Winchester, 144, 146, 301, 302.
Henry of Huntingdon, 152.
Henry of Lancaster, 185, 191.
Henry Plantageuet, son of Henry II, 121 sq.
Henry the Lion, 3, 125 sq.
Herbert, archbishop of Compsa, 134.
Herbert of Bosham, 143, T46.
Herbert of Cherbury, lord, 290, 351.
Hildebrand, pope, 300.
Historic Monuments, preservation of, 50.
Historical MSS. Commission, 50, 64.
Historical Review, a, suggested, 54.
History, ancient and modern, compared, 14 sqq.
Hodgkin, Thomas, 380.
Hody, H., 331.
Hohenstaufen,the, 125, 181, 214, 220.
Holcot, E., 314.
Holland, prof. T. E., 35, 67.
Honorius III, pope, 167.
Hooker, Eiohard, 325, 327.
Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 57.
Hospitallers, the, 170, 171, 177, 180 sqq., 195.
Howden, 148.
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