Hubert, Walter, archbishop, 131, 144.
Hübner, Dr., 62.
Hugeson (legate), 150.
Hugh of Nonant, 143.
Hugh, S., of Lincoln, 120, 144, 148.
Hugh I, king of Cyprus, 167, 171, 172.
Hugh II, 177.
Hugh III (the Great), 166, 176, 177 sqq.
Hugh IV, 187, 190-192.
Hugh de Puiset, 136, 149.
Hugh of Lusignan, 192.
Hussey, prof. E., 8.
Hussey, sir J., 274.
Ibelin, the House of, and its members, 165, 167, 170-175, 179, 180, 200.
Ingulf's History of Crowland Abbey, a forgery and its results, 46.
Innocent III, pope, 137, 216.
Innocent IV, 175 sq.
Innocent VIII, 338, 345.
Intercursus magnus, 368.
" malus, 368.
Investitures, the struggle of the, 220.
Ireland, poem on the conquest of, 154.
Irnerius, 300.
Isaac Comnenus, 160-163, 170.
Isabella of Anjou, 171, 173.
Italy, opportunities for historical research in, 67 sqq.
Ivo, bishop of Chartres, 297-298, 300.
Jaffé, Ph., 62.
James I, king of Cyprus, 198 sq.
James II, 164, 203.
James III, 203.
James I, king of England, 326-328, 345.
James II, 331.
James I, king of Scotland, 367.
James III, 367.
James IV, 338, 349, 360, 367.
James V, 244, 310.
Jayne, F. J., 375.
Jerusalem, kingdom of, 164, 176, 179, 204.
Jocelin, bishop of Salisbury, 143.
Johanna, queen of Castile, 338.
Johanna, queen of Sicily, 123, 126, 161, 197.
John, king of Castile, 197.
John I, king of Cyprus, 180.
John II (Janus), 199 sq., 202.
John III, 202.
John, king of England, 121, 123, 218.
John, king of France, 193 sq.
John XXII, pope, 190, 217, 308, 311.
John of Ayton, 308, 309, 330.
John of Gaunt, 191, 344.
John of Hexham, 133, 149 sq.
John of Lusignan, 197.
John of Oxford, 127, 146.
John of Poictiers, 130 sq.
John of Portugal, 203.
John of Salisbury, 68, 120, 128-133, 137 sq., 143, 144-146, 152, 153 sq., 301–303, 314.
John the Faster, 296.
Johnson, John, 331.
Jordan of Chichester, 146.
Joseph (of Exeter), author of the Antiocheis, 68, 146, 151, 152.
Journals of the Lords and Commons, 271.
Julius II, pope, 338.
Justinian, 296, 301, 302, 304, 306, 310, 322.
Katharine of Aragon, 245, 254, 277, 284, 286, 321, 338, 346, 367, 368.
Kennet, bishop White, 6, 331.
King, bishop, 328.
King de facto, adherents to, not to be attaint of treason, 363.
Kinglake's War in the Crimea, 59.
Kington, T. L., 10.
Kitchin, dean G. W., 58, 114, 375, 380.
Kovalefski, prof., 380.
Laing, Robert, 375.
Lambeth, college at, proposed by archbishops Baldwin and Hubert, 131.
Lambeth degrees, 330.
Lancaster, House of, 151.
Lanfranc, archbishop, 135, 144, 300.
Lanfrey's History of Napoleon, 60.
Langton, archbishop, 151, 305, 308.
Lappenberg, Dr., 62.
Lardner'a Cyclopædia, 61.
Latin, the, of the twelfth century, 152 sqq.
Laud, archbishop, 329.
Laurence, abbot of Westminster, 147.
Law Schools of London, 306, 307.
Lee, archbishop, 284.
Leibnitz, 4.
Leo or Livon, 160.
Leo I, king of Armenia, 187.
Leo II, 189.
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