Leo III, 189.
Leo IV, 189 sq.
Leo V, 197 sq.
Leopold, duke, 170.
L'Estrange, sir Hamo, 165.
Lewis VI, king of France, 226.
Lewis VII, 125.
Lewis IX, 176, 187, 210, 212, 219.
Lewis XI, 226, 366.
Lewis XII, 351, 367.
Lewis XIV, 230 sq.
Lewis of Bavaria, 210, 217, 311.
Libellus de Recuperatione Terræ Sanctæ, 185.
Liebermann, Dr., 38, 380.
Lightfoot, Hannah, 108.
Limasol, 161, 174, 182, 200.
Lincoln, John, earl of, 338, 348.
Lincoln under Henry II, 148.
Locusts, a plague of, 186.
Lombardus of Piacenza, 143.
London, merchant adventurers of, 364.
London under Henry II, 146 sg.
Longchamp, William, 126, 137.
Lothian Prize, the, at Oxford, 37 sqq.
Louise of Savoy, 338.
Level, viscount, 347, 348, 356.
Ludolf of Suchen, 184, 191.
'Lues rehabilitandi,' the, 110.
Lusignan, the house of, 163 sqq., 177, 178, 190, 204, 205.
Luther, Henry VIII against, 247.
Luxemburg, House of, 215.
Lyndwood's Provinciale, 308-309, 325, 330.
Macaulay as a historian, 108.
Magna Carta, 361.
Mai, cardinal, and the Draco Normannicus, 68.
Maine, sir H. S., 35.
Mandeville, sir John, 196.
Manorial and spiritual courts in Anglo-Saxon times, 299.
Manorial map of England, a, 51, 64.
Manuel Comnenus, 160-162, 168.
Manx Church, the, and Dr. Munch, 67, 124.
Map, Walter, 139, 144, 148, 152.
Marco Polo, 188.
Margaret, daughter of Henry VII, 365, 367.
Margaret, the Lady, mother of Henry VII, 334, 338, 346, 349, 371.
Margaret of Austria, 338, 369.
Margaret of Burgundy, 338, 347, 348, 350, 352.
Maritime and matrimonial jurisdiction, why associated, 309.
Marney, H., 274.
Marsilius, 314.
Martyr, Peter, 322.
Mary, the Lady, daughter of Henry VII, 368.
Mary I, queen of England, 234, 319, 322-323. 344.
Matilda, daughter of Henry II, 123, 125.
Matthew, dean of Chichester, 146.
Matthew of London, 120.
Matthew Paris, 79, 307.
Maud, empress, 147.
Maurer, G. L. von and K., 62, 63.
Maximilian, emperor, 211, 227, 262, 335, 337, 338, 351, 360, 366–369.
Mazzeriis, Philip de, 192, 195.
Melrose Abbey, 149.
Merlin, Prophecies of, 68.
Migne's Patrologia, 65.
Molesworth's History of the Period of Parliamentary Reform, 59.
Monasteries, historical activity in, under Henry II, 148 sqq.
Montfort, Simon de, 78, 118, 219.
Monumenta Germaniæ Historica, 4, 28.
More, sir T., 244-246, 248, 253, 256, 258, 272-275, 277, 283, 339, 342, 363, 365, 369.
Morton, archbishop, 317, 342, 354, 356; his 'fork,' 357, 358, 359, 360, 363, 369.
Mosheim, J. L. von, 3.
Mountjoy, lord, 288.
Moyle, sir T. (Speaker), 272, 289.
Mullinger, (J. B.)'s University of Cambridge, 311.
Municipal and local history neglected in England, 64.
Muratori, 4.
Naples, the queen of, and Henry VII, 338, 369.
Napoleon I, 237.
Nares, Dr., 6, 383.
Nationality, the idea of, 235 sqq.
Neill, bishop, 329.
Neophytus de Calamitatiius Cypri, 160–162.
Netherlands, revolt of the, 229, 235.
Nicea, council of, 295.
Nicephorus Phocas, 160.
Nicholson, bishop, 5.
Nicopolis, battle of, 202.
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