Nicosia, 161-164, 166, 167, 171, 172, 174, 175, 185, 187, 192, 199, 200, 202.
Church of S.Nicolas, 185.
Nigel of Canterbury, 144, 145.
Nonjurors, the, 331.
Norfolk, dukes of (temp. Henry VII and VIII), 245, 248, 249, 261, 277, 279, 280, 287, 364, 356.
Norman Conquest, the, 78, 217, 218.
its effects on ecclesiastical system of England, 300 sqq.
Norman-French of Westminster, 310.
Normans and English, amalgamation of, 129 sqq.
North-country lords, Ogle, Dacre, and Scrope, do not appear in the earlier parliaments of Henry VII, 355.
Northumberland, John Dudley duke of, 321.
earl of, killed at Thirsk, 348, 368.
Norway and Sweden, kings of, send embassies to Henry II, 124.
Nowell, T., 383.
Ockham, 314.
Odo, prior of Canterbury, 145.
Oissim, king of Armenia, 189.
Order of the knights of S. Thomas of Acre, 182-186, 205.
Ormond, earl of, 356.
Otho, constitutions of, 308.
Othobon, constitutions of, 308.
Owen, S., 43, 375, 380.
Oxford, civil and canon law at, 310 sq.
drops the canon law degree, 319.
study of history at, from the Reformation to George I, 6 sqq.
under Henry II, 141 sq.
ungracious reception of George the first's benefaction at, 6.
Oxford Historical Society, the, 376.
Painted chamber, 269.
Paleologi, 202.
Palmer, archbishop Richard, 134.
Palmer, archdeacon E., 376.
Pandects, the, 300, 305.
Papacy, the, of the Middle Ages, 215 sq.
Paper, effects of the use of, instead of parchment, 336.
Paris, archdeacon of Rochester, 133, 145 sq.
Paris, University of, 138, 139, 150.
Parker, archbishop, 6, 325, 329.
Parliaments of Henry VIII, anecdotes of, 289.
Paston Letters, Mr. Gairdner's edition of, 56, 369.
Pasture land and tillage, 363.
Patrick, S., 297.
Pauli, Reinhold, 62, 68, 378.
Pavia, 302.
Pearson, prof. C. H., 116.
Pearson, R., claims to be admitted Doctor of Civil and Canon Law at Cambridge (), 330.
Peckham, archbishop, 305, 308.
Penitentials, the, 296 sq., 298.
Percy, Henry lord, 193.
Percy, sir Henry (Hotspur), 198.
Pertz, Dr., 28, 68, 146.
Peter I, king of Cyprus, 169, 192-197, 200.
Peter II, 196-198.
Peter de Helie, 138.
Peter des Roches, bishop of Winchester, 183.
Peter of Blois, 119, 120, 122, 127, 128, 136 sq., 143, 144, 147-149, 151, 153.
Peterborough under Henry II, 148.
Petrarch, 195, 200.
Pheasants, date of their introduction, 363.
Philip II, king of Spain, 229.
Philip IV, king of the French (the Fair), 182, 219, 335.
Philip VI, 219.
Philip, archduke, 338, 351, 368.
Philip Augustus, 218, 219.
Philip of Antioch, king of Armenia, 187.
Philip the Chancellor, 195.
Philippa, Queen of Edward III, 193.
Philosophy, scholastic, its aim, 211.
Picot, G., 66.
Pilgrimage of Grace, the, 253, 286.
Pisa and England, 201.
Plague in Cyprus, 191, 199, 200.
Plantagenet kings, long-suffering of, 213.
Plumpton Letters, the, 369.
Pocock's Burnet and Records of the Reformation, 57.
Poland, partition of, 21, 236 sq.
Powell, F. York, 380.
Præmunientes clause, the, 287.
Præmunire, statute of, 261, 253-255, 275, 277, 278, 283, 285, 308, 317, 318.
Prerogative Court, 324.
Printing, effects of the invention of, 336, 340.
Prizes, historical, at Oxford, 36-39.
Proclamation Act, 287, 288.
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