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Rev. Charles Adolphus Mock, President of Dallas College, Dallas, Ore., says:

I read "Sexology" with deep interest, and am pleased to say that I thoroughly endorse the matter it contains, and hope that the book may have a wide circulation. The subjects treated in the book are necessarily delicate to handle, but I was especially impressed with the refinement with which the author has succeeded in expressing his thoughts. I hope that the book may have a vital influence in educating the young on this all-important subject.

Frederick Jonte Stanleyy D.D., of the Presbyterian Board of Education, says:

Your book "Sexology" I read with intense interest. It is a marvelous compendium of facts, evincing wide and deep research. It is also a revelation of existing evils, unknown to the public at large.

The whole subject is of vital relation to the family, the Church and the State.

Were all parents intelligent and judicious they would instruct their children in these all-important matters of life, physical and moral. This book is calculated to make them intelligent and judicious in the highest degree.

Every parent should read, digest and use with discrimination the information therein, as they rear a family according to the Divine laws.

Every young man and woman contemplating marriage, would find this volume of inestimable value.

I wish you all success in this effort to instruct, uplift and create homes as God would have them.