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Rev. Frederick W. Hamilton, D.D., President of Tufts College, Tufts College, Mass., says:

It seems to me that it would be wise if a publication like "Sexology" could be in the hands of all parents.

Prof. M. Luecke, President of Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Ind., says:

The Puritan Publishing Company has rendered in its publication "Sexology," by Walling, a commendable service to young and old. The scriptural foundation of the volume extols it high above all similar publications that flood the book market. May this valuable book enter many homes and schools and do its mission work where it is most necessary in our times.

Oscar B. Fallis, Ph.D., President of Stanford College, Stanford, Ky., says:

For some weeks we have been in possession of your excellent book "Sexology." We, with many others into whose hands we have put the book, think that it fills a vacancy in our young people's literature, that has been needing such text by a master hand for ages. The book has been well advertised in our school and community and we believe that it has sown many good seed.

James Gray McAllister, President of Hampden Sidney College, Hampden Sidney, Va., says:

I have a copy of "Sexology" and I write to express my high value and appreciation of the work you are doing for the youth of our land.