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....Washing, mending, and cleaning: cooking the porridge and chops—
Thank God that the work is plenty, and heavy, and never stops!
Dad and the boys to work for, and always God above—’s awfully lonely, love! my love!....

Oh, no, no, I mustn’t! I’ve got to live my life,
Haven’t I? I’ve to be myself, even if I’m not your wife.
But God in His mercy seal my heart, and keep it loyal and stout,
To hold the love of you there for ever—never to let you out!

The blue is pass’d to purple, and there’s the full moon come.
The boys ’ll be finish’d milking, and it’s high time I was home.
Well! the peaches are all in, now; there’s two crops in to-day:
One that’ll last the winter; one for ever and aye!