
Title Shingle-Short and Other Verses
Author Blanche Edith Baughan
Year 1908
Publisher Whitcombe & Tombs
Location Christchurch, New Zealand
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
OCLC 9305049
Preface 5
Shingle-Short 11
Maui’s Fish 43
Burnt Bush 63
Early Days 71
A Bush Section 79
Gathering Peaches 91
The Hill 99
A Conquering Coward 105
The Eternal Children 117
The Paddock 137
Song of the White Clover 137
Song of the Sunbeams and Strawberries 150
Song of the Creek 156
Song of the Wind 174
Song of the Seeds 182
Song of the Ti 201

Mount Balloon Frontispiece
Te Ika a Maui 43
“Under the Fern-woof Shining was Seen” 157
“A Throne to the Sealed Sun,” &c. 202