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The Heavens had burst open—and how could I fight them? or where could I flee?
They had slaughter’d my fellow,—why should they have mercy or favour for me?
In the midst, at the will, at the mock, of the Wanton, the Huge, the Unknown,
Helpless, an agonized atom, I cringed there—alone:

And bygone beliefs in a hellish Almighty, the foe of all flesh,
Greedy of sacrifice, torturing, jealous, possess’d me afresh—
He was! He was here!....Oh, sheer bottomless Terror engulfing me then—
Sharper and sheerer be never permitted to men!

..Rangi! She whimper’d, she touched me, God bless her! Oh, comfort and ease
Of her breath, of her warmth, of her wonted old flanks in the grip of my knees!
A chance! for companions, for Reason, for Life!....Out we shot thro’ the Black,
Away from the tempest, away from the Terror—Back! Back!

The Lightning shot after, the Thunder came ploughing and plunging behind..
The Unearthly was on us! ’twould catch us, ’twould have us! On, on, lass, to find
Men, and the Little-Things—euchre, tobacco, the sane, commonplace,
Everyday details—On!—How I did rowel her, how we did race!