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Hip! Hip! There’s knots you can’t untie—
Grab ’em the right end, an’ they’ll fly!
Hip-Hallelujah! I’ve a-got
The loosener to my blessed knot.
We’re the tangle, but You’re the Clue....
An’ what’s our tonnage, alongside You?
Slops, or shortages, shams or what,
’Tain’t what we ain’t, or don’t or do,
Really matters—No fear! It’s You!
An’—You ain’t ruined ’cause we fail.
God! if we’re shingle-short—You’re Not!

Ain’t I been off my course? O, You!
I dunno rightly who You are,
But nobody ain’t half so near.
You look right in me, like that star,
An’ every thought I have, You hear.
Whatever’s twisty in my fate,
The road to You is always straight....
I ain’t afraid; You’ll make allow,
For I’m Your creature, anyhow,
Ain’t I? I am that much to You!
It come about I dunno how....
My work weren’t right, an’ I were wrong,
An’ nick’d an’ nark’d an’ miserable,
An’ seem’d like orders come along
That everythin’ was wrong as well:
Kind of a trial taste o’ Hell....
But, there! You know it all! You’re You!
(That’s it! That’s it, Hosanna! Now
I got my bearin’s, anyhow),
Ay, You! all sight, all might, All-Right.

An’ everythin’ all-right You do!