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Hull to be hollow’d first.Now, then—
Ten fingers, not exactly fools:
A gouge: a mallet:—them’s the tools:
An’—would You help me? Please!

(Working on the wood.)

Twice 1 is 2, twice 2 is 4,
Twice 3 is 6, dunno no more.
Been the general run’ o’ day:
Present, dingy: an’ prospeck, grey.
Cherry, at ’milkin’, in the dirt
Kick’d me over, an’ tore my shirt.
Strippin’ o’ Fiddle-face, I’d a thought,
’Bout a boiler; it come to nought,
’N, while I was at it, Chalky’s calf
Rush’d the bucket, an’ swaller’d half.
Thoughts bein’ early, legs was late.
Breakfast’s at seven,—mine was eight.
Missis cold as the porridge-plate,
Wanted to know if I understood
Fire couldn’t burn, if it hadn’t wood?
Brought her in [1]rimu:—wa’n’t no good,—
Said ’twas nothin’ but solid smoke;
Tackled some [2]maire;—axe-helve broke,
An’ Mick, o’ Saturday, at the store,
Couldn’t afford me credit no more,
Twice 2 is 4, twice 4 is 6
So’ wa’n’t I in a proper fix?
Hid in the sty, to make a helve;
Made a beauty, but not till twelve—

  1. Rimu (Rée-moo): Red pine.
  2. Maire (mý-ray): A native timber.