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“Little son, who are you?”
’Mid quick kiss on kiss
I question’d him: “Who are you all?
What place is this?”
Nestling, as to pierce within
Ah! my willing side,
Loving, beloved,
He replied:
“I am but I—the playmate
Of those with whom I play,
And of the Sun, and of the Sea,
And of the shining Day.
But the Day and the Sun, and the singing, shining Sea
Ever say:
‘Be happy! Be happy!
Immortally ye may,
For ever innocent,
Untouch’d, untroubled,
Satisfied, unsated
For ever, laugh and play!
Life cannot break you,
Sin cannot unmake you,
Nor Love forsake you—
Happy every way!
O ye Eternal Children,
Never brought to birth!
Ye Dream-Children, of lovers
Childless upon earth!’”

Son! Little Son indeed! with whose brave eyes
Search you my heart?....
Kind God! can so one little curve of lip

Bridge worlds apart?....