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[CH. X

were at first denied entrance by the mother of Abdur Rahim Bahlol Khan, in whose fief it lay. But the gates were soon opened to the king. Adil Shah summoned Bahlol Khan, Shahji and other officers from the Karnatak, who came by forced marches and waited on the king on the bank of the Warda (an affluent of the Tungabhadra.) Bahlol and Shahji were at once arrested and placed in chains (end of June 1663), but Shahji was released in two days, though he continued to be deprived of his command for some time. The Bijapuri invasion of Kanara had already begun. (F. R. Surat 103, Gyffard to Surat, 8th April and 20th July 1663.)

§3. Maratha conquest of South Konkan, 1663.

Shivappa Nayak*[1], who governed Bednur for forty-five years (1618-1663), first as regent and then as king, had extended his kingdom on all sides by his conquests and stretched his sway over the whole of South Kanara, the north-western corner of Mysore, and North Kanara up to the Gangavati river, including the fort of Mirjan. At the close of his life his

  1. * In the Persian histories of Bijapur he is called Bhadrappa, from Bhadraiya, the original name of the founder of the dynasty. He is there styled the Rajah of Malnad, which is a Kanarese word meaning "hill country." (Mysore Gazetteer, ii. 286.) The Bombay Gazetteer xv, Part ii, p. 122, places his death in 1670. But the English factory records prove that he died at the close of 1663. (Surat, Vol. 104, Karwar to Surat, 18th April 1664.)