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ambition brought him into collision with Bijapur. He had conquered Sunda and some other forts belonging to vassals of Adil Shah and had thus come dangerously close to Bankapur, the fortress of asylum of the Bijapuri Sultans in the south-western corner of their kingdom. (Bom. Gaz., xv, Pt. ii, pp. 122-123.)

Ali Adil Shah's campaign against the Bednur Rajah was short but vigorous and an unbroken success. Shivappa Nayak could make no stand against the combined resources of the entire Bijapur kingdom; he lost Sunda, Bednur and many other forts, and was forced to make peace by restoring Sunda to its former chief and promising an indemnity of 7 lakhs of hurt to Adil Shah. On 21st November the victorious Ali II. returned to his capital. (B.S. 368-370; F. R. Surat 103, Karwar to Surat, 28th January and 27th February, also Gyffard to Surat, 20th July 1663.)

We now turn to the activities of Shivaji in this region. While Ali was engaged in the struggle with Bednur, Shivaji had been active in South Konkan and in the north-western part of the Kanara district. By way of Kolhapur and Kudal, he marched to Vingurla (May 1663); "all the way, as he goes along, he gives his qaul (assurance), promising them that neither he nor his soldiers shall in the least do any wrong to anybody that takes his qaul, which promise he hitherto hath kept." (F.R. Surat, Vol. 103, Gyffard to Surat, 24th May, 1663.)

His going down the coast caused such alarm