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In 1903 I held meetings in the beautiful Prospect Park for three weeks, and had good success. Many were born into the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and many were healed of all their diseases. The interest was great when we closed, but had. to do so because the weather got so cold and wet. I baptized in the beautiful lake; a large crowd witnessed the sublime scene. As one after another came up from the watery grave, and the power of the Lord was manifested, we all were made to rejoice in the presence of the Lord. Several came from Muscatine and Andalusia, and were baptized, and they felt that they were well paid for the sacrifice they had made in coming so far. We went from there back to Andalusia, where we held the last meeting in the large tent. The Lord had been there in great power; the surrounding country was stirred; many were saved and God, backed His word with signs and wonders; many were healed and many fell prostrated under the power of God and received wonderful blessings.

We went back the second time a their urgent call so that the work might be more firmly established. While we were away the people of Moline went on with the work, and the interest was so good, that they opened the way for us to come back. I felt sure the Lord was calling.

We commenced our work in Warr Hall. The first four weeks there were thirteen hundred bowed at the altar; I prayed for each, with laying on of hands, and nearly all were converted or reclaimed; and nearly all were healed of from, one to a dozen diseases. The power was present just as it was in the days of Christ, and the Apostles—we do not read of any place where the work was greater—sixty at the altar for healing, at once, in the afternoon meeting. Nearly every one got up rejoicing, showing by their testimonies that they were perfectly well. Many people in the gallery shouted or waved their hands; sometimes nearly the whole house was weeping at the wonderful miracles that were done before them all.

The scenes were wonderful; every meeting they could hardly