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wait until I gave them the opportunity to come to the altar; then there would be a rush; they brought them in chairs; on cots; and on pillows; the blind, lame, halt, deaf, dumb, and the paralytic; those dying with consumption, tumors, cancer, blood poisoning, catarrh of the stomach and lungs, or all through the blood; broken bones and everything else—all chronic diseases that could not be cured by any earthly power—they laid them at the feet of Jesus, and as at Peter’s great revival they tried to get near enough for his shadow to fall on them, so it was. here—everyone tried to get the nearest me, like those at the Pool of Bethesda, to get into the water first. One after another they were healed; sometimes in an hour every one would be up rejoicing. The people looking on saw large tumors and goiters go, and cancers disappear; children got up and walked, that never had walked before. They saw the deaf hear, the dumb speak, those that had never heard or spoken before. They wondered and were amazed; and they gave glory to God for His great power and love for suffering humanity.


The Police Force took quite an interest in bringing the afflicted in the ambulance and carrying them in on stretchers. One man was perfectly helpless with inflammatory rheumatism. He could not move his fingers, and was in great pain with fever. He was saved and healed, and walked upon the platform, then walked out, and down to the Police Station. When the Officers came for him he was gone. They laughed and took the cot, and went out. Infidels and all kinds of sinners who had never before believed in God, were convinced of the reality of the religion of Jesus, and were converted.

A doctor, one of the finest men in the city, when he saw so many of his patients healed, was converted and became an earnest worker.

Men and women of all kinds, both business men and others, came for healing and. received the double cure. The superintendent of the Business Colleges of the Tri-Cities brought his father from a distance, who had to use an ear trumpet. He went away with his son with his hearing restored. Scores of Catholics were converted and healed. One Nun who had been lame and afflicted with heart disease for fifteen years, and could get no