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whole world. The Lord has proved to me beyond a doubt that I don’t need any more; He has shown to me that He has power over man; over sickness; just trust and obey Him. My bowels never moved for five weeks, but I kept on eating just the same; never had a better appetite or felt better in my life—Praise His name for ever. I am twenty pounds heavier to-day than I ever weighed before. The Lord cured me of the drink and tobacco habit also saved me at the same time. Oh, glory to Jesus forever.

John N. Armstrong,
953 Dorman St,
Indianapolis, Indiana.

Indianapolis, Ind., January 6th, 1915.
To Whom It May Concern: I, the undersigned, can testify that each and every word of the above statement of Mr. Armstrong’s is true to the letter. I am his wife, also am a nurse. I took care of him when he was suffering and being eaten up with that awful cancer.

There was a large hole eaten out in his hip and the bowel discharge would drop into that hole, and I would be compelled to use my own hands to lift out the discharge, and the cancer smelled so bad that many times I would get deathly sick and several times came near fainting while working with him, but praise God He healed my husband; healed him to stay healed. The flesh is all filled in now where the hole was eaten in his hip. He is in perfect health; works twelve hours a day, six days week.

Mrs. John N. Armstrong,
953 Dorman St,
Indianapolis, Indiana.