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(Reprinted from “Word and Witness,” from report of Elder F. F. Bosworth.)

Dallas, Tex., Aug. 11, 1912.
It has been about two weeks since our dear Sister Etter joined us in the meeting, and we give glory to God for the way he has used her every night in preaching and demonstrating the wonderful gospel of the Son of God.

The interest and power increases every night. Last night there were thousands of people in and around the tent. Sinners look on and weep, as they see the sick and afflicted healed by the power of God every night. Among those healed last night, before the great audience, was a mute, 36 years old, born deaf and dumb. He came from Oklahoma, and was instantly healed in the first meeting he attended last night. Sinners wept when they saw he could hear and shout praises to God.

Yesterday morning a wonderful miracle was wrought on a fifteen-year-old orphan boy—Emmett Martin. His right arm was paralyzed when he was one year old so that he has never been able to raise that arm above his head or to open and shut his hand. His other arm was in splints and in a sling, badly injured by falling off the street car a week ago. The bandages and splints were ' removed and the arm instantly and perfectly healed; and then when Sister Etter in the name of Jesus commanded him to stretch forth the paralyzed arm it was also instantly healed! He raised both hands above his head and clapped them together and shouted praises to God. He was gloriously saved at the same time, and was in the meeting again last night and testified before the great audience.

An invalid lady from Mesquite, Texas, was carried into the tent the other night. Had been an invalid four years with rheumatism all over her body; could not comb her own hair or raise her arms.

The lame, the blind, the deaf and dumb, the palsied, the paralytic,

cancers, those suffering from operations, and others dying