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and we had no place to go; I told them to stand with me in the Name of the Lord. “I said that our God would fight our battles. We would trust him to reach out his hand in some way, and put the fear of God upon them. Those attending the meeting said they would die if necessary, but would never run, nor surrender. We knew our only hope was in God. Those who had made themselves my enemies expected to kill or take me a prisoner; the brethren knew that I was the one they were after, and they counselled together, and decided they would protect me if they had to fight with chairs, or anything they could get.

They came as we expected, and were told that we were all nervous and trembling. We heard the shouts as they were coming down the roads on horseback, firing pistols as they came. They had on rough clothes, and big hats. I said, “Be brave;” we commenced singing, and they came and surrounded the tent. Then they would get together in bunches, and would act wild, as if they were going to rush in on us. We sang and prayed, and the dear ones tried to keep me in the middle of them, and hide and protect me as much as they could. I commenced talking, and they saw the power of the Lord was on me in a wonderful manner. I was in the Spirit, and all fear was gone. I talked to them like as to little children, and they began to settle down, and a stillness was coming over them.

They had us surrounded so that we could not getaway or get out. To my left I saw the man that came that day to arrest; me, with a couple of others. The Lord led me out on the platform, right out to those men. I reached out my hand to them, and smiled. The leader said, “We saw you to-day.” I said, “Yes, I think you did; I am glad to see you here,” and I was, for all fear was gone, and I saw that I had won the victory. I continued, “I hope you will like the meeting so well that you will come again.” They could have pierced me through with a knife, or have dragged: me off, but that the hand of God was on them. They could not move. I shook hands with some more of the others, and then went back to the pulpit, and talked and cried.

I saw there was a company led on by the father of the girl; their great hats were pulled over their faces, waiting for the crowd to leave. They said, “You must go with us, and take the girl out of that spell. I looked to Jesus a moment. before answering them. I felt the power of God on me, and I marched