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out right up to the father, reached out my hand, and spoke so kindly that he was surprised. He stood still and looked at me, and the rest were looking on at us. “He began to tremble, the power of God fell on them, and the lion was tamed. I asked him if he hadn’t been cross to her, and abused her for coming to the meeting, and for being under the power; he said that he had. “Did she not talk to you, and want you to be a better man.” He said, “Yes, she did.” “Then you abused her and she went under the power of God again?” Every time he said, “Yes.” I said, “Do you not know it is your fault that she stays that way? Do you not think that if you will go home, and listen to what she tells you, that she will soon be all right?” He broke down, and said, “I know she is right; I ought to listen to her; she is all right, and so are you.” “Then you go right home and tell her she can serve the Lord.”

They all shook hands, and I showed the congregation that we could all breathe easier, and that henceforth we would all be stronger in the Lord. He surely fought our battle. We had no more trouble, and the meeting continued with great success. Praise God for his wonderful presence and power in every time of need.

In other places I have been in great dangers; many times not knowing when I would be shot down, either in the pulpit, or going to and from the meetings. Many times I have been followed and eaves-dropped. Often bands of wicked men came in to kill, or to tear up the meetings. Their looks and very appearance are sufficient to terrify, but I said I would never run, nor compromise. The Lord would always put His mighty power on me, so that He took all fear away, and made me like a giant. He always stood by me in every way. If in any way they had tried to shoot, or kill me, he would have struck them dead, and I sometimes told them so.

The Power of the Lord was on me, something like it was on. Jesus, when he drove out the mighty men, the money changers in the Temple, with a little cord whip, or rope. There was nothing to make them afraid, but the awful presence of God. The fear of God always made them leave, and the same is true to-day; sometimes they fall like dead men. The Lord always pointed these people out to me when they were in the crowd, and showed me our danger.