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Dear reader, we are now in the dark days, many who read these lines will have to go through great danger, and persecutions, also hard trials, but be true to God, stand for his word, and honor, and glorify his name, and He will protect and deliver. We can have the faith that we will live until Jesus comes. Claim the promise that He will shield us from all dangers, from all the arrows of the enemy, and from the pestilence; that no plague shall come near you. The promises contained in the ninety-first Psalm are for all of God’s true children in these last days. Oh! Glory to His Name that liveth forever and ever, who is able to deliver his children out of all their troubles. Then why fear when trouble comes? We must have trials to perfect us for our future home.


While holding meetings in California the Lord showed me that great destruction and an earthquake were coming.

Soon after the papers were ablaze with the pictures of the awful earthquake and holocaust in San Francisco, and the surrounding country. I had told them God always sends mercy before judgment. I told them that they rejected mercy, and that they would be visited next with destruction and judgment. The earthquake soon followed and the fear of God came on those that remembered the prophecy. Both prophecies were fulfilled in a week, and I lived to walk over the ruins.

A woman that had been baptized with the Holy Ghost, and healed of a broken leg, saw and told the people about the awful storm that was coming. Her prophecy was fulfilled, just two weeks from the day she said it would come.

While holding meetings in Louisville, Kentucky, the Lord was visiting the city in great mercy and power; but so many rejected the Spirit, and went over to hardness of heart. The Lord showed a Sister there of the storm which was coming and which shortly afterwards struck the city, and did much damage to property, and in which many lives were lost,

This same Sister saw the destruction of the SS. “Titanic.” She saw the vessel go down, ten or more days before it sank, with its hundreds of souls on board. She saw it sink out of sight.