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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

continue the meetings, which I did for sixteen days. I never saw the power of God so wonderfully manifested as at these meetings. There had been trouble in the church for a number of years. Some of the best members had left, and the church had lost its power. I felt impressed that God was going to restore love and harmony in the church. I visited those families, and the third day of the meeting the trouble was all settled. All who were present came to the altar and made a full consecration and prayed for a baptism of the Holy Ghost and of fire, and that night it came. Fifteen came to the altar screaming for mercy. Men and women fell and lay like dead. I had never seen anything like this. I felt it was the work of God, but did not know how to explain it, or what to say.

I was a little frightened, as I did not know what the people would think or what they might do to me, as I was the leader of the meeting. While the fear of God was on the people, and I was looking on, not knowing what to do, the Spirit of God brought before me the vision I had before I started out in the work of the Lord, and said: "Don't you remember when you were carried away, and saw the field of wheat and the sheaves falling? The large field of wheat was the multitudes of people you are to preach the gospel to; the falling sheaves is what you see here tonight, the slaying power of God. This is my power; I told you I would be with you and fight your battles; it is not the wisdom of men, but the power and wisdom of God that is needed to bring sinners from darkness to light." The Lord revealed wonderful things to me in a few moments; my fears were all gone. Those who were lying over the house as dead, after lying about two hours, all, one after another, sprang to their feet as quick as a flesh, with shining faces, and shouted all over the house. I never had seen such bright conversions, nor such shouting. They seemed as light as a feather. The ministers and old saints wept and praised the Lord with a loud voice. They said it was the Pentecost power; that the Lord was visiting them in great mercy and power, and there was great victory coming.

It is now twelve years since that meeting; the Lord has poured out the Holy Ghost as he promised he would in the last days, with "signs and wonders" following. He said he would give the latter rains of the Spirit before the notable day of the Lord came. This was to be given to gather in the last harvest of souls before