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Signs and Wonders

Jesus comes in the clouds. Many times I have stood before congregations of thousands, preaching or singing, when the Holy Ghost fell upon them, and swept over, wave after wave, till the multitudes would sway back and forth like the trees in a forest, or grain in a storm. Many of the tall oaks would be laid prostrate over the house or camp-ground; and, like the revival at Cornelius's, many were converted standing, or sitting in their seats.

Many shouted, others wept with a loud voice. Other times the power would sweep over the house in melting power. In a few minutes nearly every one in the congregation would be weeping, saints and sinners. The solemnity of death would rest upon the people; you could not hear a sound nor see a move; the people were held by the power of God. These outpourings of the Holy Ghost were always followed by hundreds coming to Christ. The Lord has backed up his word, as I preached it on the apostolic line, with "signs and wonders" and demonstrations of the Spirit.

He has shown me we are in the last days. He has poured out his Spirit in all my meetings. Praise God, no difference how the Holy Ghost came, I knew the Lord was leading. How I realized this: "It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord." Oh, how precious these words of our loving Father: "Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it," and "Be not afraid of their faces, for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord." "Thou, therefore, gird up thy loins, and arise and speak unto them all that I command you." "Be not dismayed at their faces, lest I come and confound you before them." "Go, and I shall be with you." "Be strong and courageous," etc. When I would feel my responsible position, and look over the crowded house, I, like Peter, would begin to sink, and cry: "Lord, help; Lord, use the clay to thy glory, and give me a message for this dying people."

Some of those promises would come rolling in, accompanied with the Holy Ghost, until I would feel lost in Christ and see nothing but the multitude of dying people rushing on to judgment.

Oh, praise the Lord for his tender care over us, and for his wonderful salvation, that fills our souls with glory; that takes away the fear of persecution, the fear of man and the fear of