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I next went to Summitville, Indiana and commenced meeting on Wednesday evening, Feb. 25, 1885. The house was crowded the first night. The crowd was made up of infidels, skeptics and scoffers. Many of these scoffers were church members. A few of God’s children stood by me praying for victory. Most every one said, she will make a failure here, and were hoping it would be a failure. I went in the strength of God, knowing that he that was for me, was more than those who were against me. I arose and told them that God was coming in power; that many of them would be at the altar that night, crying for mercy. I saw some laughing, as if to say, you do not know us. I commenced singing, “Let me in the lifeboat.” The Holy Ghost fell upon me. God made them to see the lifeboat on the ocean of eternity, and them drifting away into darkness and despair, down to an awful hell. I led in prayer. When I arose, the silence of death reigned over the house. They were trembling under conviction. While I was preaching, God sent every word like arrows, dipped in the blood. of Jesus, to their hearts.

After preaching, I called for sinners to come forward. There was a rush for the altar. It was soon crowded. Those who had opposed me most were the first to come. Some who would not yield were stricken down as dead in different parts of the house. There were many bright conversions the first night. The work went on increasing in interest for one week. About five hundred were saved in the church. The seats were taken out to make standing room. The whole house was a mourners’ bench. Many of the worst men in the town and country were saved, and lived earnest Christian lives. Many were saved at home, all around the country, in nearly every house. Some died praising God. Several went out preaching the Gospel. Hundreds have been brought to Christ by their labors.

I commenced meeting at nine o′clock in the morning and closed at twelve at night. Some men arranged to come and break up the meeting. I did not know them, nor what they were doing.

They came and crowded in at the door. God pointed the leader