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Signs and Wonders

out to me. With a loud voice I called to him to come to Christ. The fear of God fell upon him. He turned pale as death and started for the altar. When he got half way he fell under the power of God. He lay about sixteen hours. The way he talked, and his gestures while lying there, brought the fear of God on all who saw him.

Those who came in with him saw it was a fearful thing to fight against God. They were soon on their knees crying for mercy. When he came out he had a wonderful experience to tell, which God used to bring many to Christ. He went to work to bring souls to Christ, and soon began to preach. Many ministers came and received the anointing power from on high. The power of the Holy Ghost fell upon me the first meeting and remained while I was there. It could be seen, heard and felt by all who came. Many times the power would take control of me when singing, praying and preaching. I would be held standing, a spectacle for men and angels. Sometimes I would lay for hours at a time. The holy fire went into all the churches and spread for miles. Hundreds of lost souls were brought to Christ after I had gone to other fields.

From Fairmount we went to Columbia City, Indiana, and commenced meeting in the Universalist Church Thursday evening, March 12, 1885, which lasted about four weeks. Sinners came to the altar the first night. Many made a start for heaven. The interest was so great we engaged the large skating-rink, which was crowded. The interest continued till the last. Many who had been saved in my meetings a year previous, and some of the ministers and Christians who assisted me in those different places, came up to the help of the Lord against the mighty.


The Lord showed me while here that I had the gift of healing, and of laying on of hands for the recovery of the sick. I had been working day and night for many months and had no strength only as God gave me each meeting. It would be two o’clock often before I would get to sleep. When God began to show me I must preach divine healing I could not understand that it was the Spirit of God leading me. For three nights when I was almost dead for rest I lay awake. God was teaching me