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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

pounds in two weeks, before his conversion. He came twice to the meeting at Pendleton. He was a noted infidel and horse jockey, and would not allow a Bible in his house. I prayed for God to heal him, soul and body, and it was done, and he went home praising God, feeling he was every whit whole.

He had a large practice, but he found a great deal of time to work for God. He has been a fire-brand for God since his conversion, yea, hundreds have been brought to Christ through his labors. He lived many years, and every year on the anniversary of his conversion, he had a meeting in his house, at which there were many conversions. He had great success, became a statesman, and was a power for God. Glory to God for his wonderful works.

Just a word or two from the lips of the father of Sister D., of the vicinity of Alexandria, who, by faith, had been raised almost from the dead:

“For years, with a combination of diseases, my daughter was suffering. Five doctors had given her up to die. For about six: months she lay in bed, most of the time not being able to sit up without being propped up with pillows. It was decided by her physicians that there was no use in giving her any more medicine.

“When seemingly the last moments had come, when she could not raise her head, and had to be helped like a child, and was so light het husband could take her on his hands as he would a child, when fully given up to die, and when perfectly submissive to God’s will, she raised herself up in bed, and was standing on the floor before she knew what she was doing, and then began to walk around the room, a living skeleton. Her husband was very much alarmed, thinking death had struck her, and was looking for her to fall.

“Sister Woodworth was sent for to come and pray for her recovery, but she couldn’t come, but while in a buggy, prayed fervently for her recovery. At the same hour Mrs. D. went into a trance, in which she saw Christ surrounded by a bright light, and a crowd of sinners to the left. She felt herself raised up, arose from bed, walked out and ate a hearty supper. ‘The prayer of those who abide in God availeth much.’”

This sister went into the field as an evangelist, to work for the salvation of souls. We learn that she has had glorious success.

At the close of the meeting near Alexandria, we started on