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Signs and Wonders

our trip South, stopping for a few days at the beautiful city of Louisville, Kentucky. We journeyed on southward, reaching Memphis, Tennessee, after several days of wearisome travel.


“We remained in Memphis about one month, holding meetings in several of the large churches. I started four revivals; also worked some with the colored people of that city. On our arrival at Indianapolis, Indiana, I found a letter awaiting, calling me immediately to New York City. We went, and for the first time saw the wonderful city—the metropolis of America.

We visited Central Park and many other beautiful places of interest during our stay; also attended Moody’s meetings, and assisted in the work.

As I stood on a street of the busy city and looked at the wonderful works of men, I saw the last prophecies fulfilled before my eyes. Chariots rushing over the tops of the high buildings, the cars flying through the air, and stations all around the city built in the air. Looking down from these stations you see the street cars jostling one against the other. Every place you look you can ear the voice of God speaking in tones of thunder: “Prepare for judgment; the angel will soon stand with one foot on the land, the other on the sea, and swear that delay shall be no longer.”

Leaving New York we returned: by way of Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. After leaving these places, we went to Shippensburg and attended the eldership of the “Church of God.” On Sabbath they all insisted that I should preach. It was quite a cross, as my work had been in revivals, and I was very: tired after my long journey. They being all strangers to me, I knew it was more needful that God should be with me. The house was filled to the galleries; and the church-yard was filled. There were many-ministers present. I talked for one hour from the following words, found in I. Cor. xvi. 22: “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.”

From there we went home with Elder M. to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and commenced meetings at that place, with a few hours notice. I stayed three weeks at this place and had a glorious meeting. Many aged ones were converted, one eighty-two Years old; also many of the best citizens. And the whole church