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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

choir was brought into the fold. When I came away T left five revivals in the city, all having glorious success. Three weeks before I went to this city a stranger. I had never been in the place before, nor held a meeting in the State. The first the people knew of my coming was the ringing of the church bell. The Church of God where I held the revival was in a very bad condition. They had had everything to discourage the few that were left.

One woman was saved at the wash tub. She shouted all over the house. A Catholic was struck down in a machine shop where several hundred men were at work. They thought he was dead, or dying. They did everything they could to bring him to, but all their efforts failed. He lay several hours, then sprang to his feet shouting the praise of God. The fear of God fell upon the men who saw him. They had to acknowledge that it was the power of God.

From Chambersburg we went to Huntington, Indiana, stopped at New Bethel and held a few meetings in Trinity Chapel.

From there we went to Columbia City, Indiana, where I organized a Church of God eight months previous when I was there. I found the church on fire for God. They have since put up a fine church edifice.

From Columbia City we went to Butler, Indiana, where I had a hard battle to fight for my Master, but glorious victory crowned my labors. I organized a Church of God of one hundred members. Nine years have passed since and the fire is still burning that spread in all directions at that time when hundreds were brought to Christ.

At the close of this meeting we started to visit my old home in Ohio, after an absence of three years. It was a great pleasure to meet all the loved ones again, especially my aged mother, and hear her say, as I kissed her at parting: “I will meet you in heaven.” My prayers have been answered; my mother was converted. At the age of seventy she found her Saviour.

On our way, returning from my home in Ohio, we stopped at Cleveland, Ohio. Some of the brethren heard I was in the city, and made an announcement for me for one meeting in the Mission Church of that city. I went, and the interest was so great that I continued for some time. Moody was in the city; people had been looking for him for over two months. Every one was pre-