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throughout the hills in dense bamboo jungle at 5000 feet to 8000 feet.

Snow Partridge.—Throughout the hills above 15,000 feet.

Snow Cock.—Do. do.

Woodcock.—In the cold season in the middle valleys and in summer in the higher valleys, but not above 13,000 feet.

Solitary Snipe.—In wet, marshy ground above 11,000 feet.

Ram Chicoor.—Throughout the hills at elevations above 14,000 feet.

Tibetan Sand Grouse.—Along the Tibetan boundary above 17,000 feet.

Quail.—Found in cornfields in Bhutan at 9000 feet in May and June.

Partridge.—Only a few at high elevations.

Duck.—Cold-weather visitors. Only a very few breed on the higher lakes.

Geese.—Do. do.

Snipe.—Do. do.

Pigeons.—Imperial, snow, blue rock, and many species of wood pigeons are found throughout both countries.