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hotep prince of Thebes. Great [by his] monuments, multiplying wonders, beloved by Amen, gifted with life." Over Amen is " I have given to thee all life and purity which is with me ; I have given to thee all joy of heart which is with me, Amen Ra, lord of heaven."

Left Hand. The king is standing, " Offering wine to Amen, that he may give the gift of life." Above is " The Good God, Lord of the two lands, Neb-maat- ra : son of Ra, lord of the diadems, Amenhotep prince of Thebes ; Image of Ra in the two lands, elected by himself, beloved of Amen, gifted with life." Over Amen is " I have given to thee all health which is in me ; I have given to thee all vigour which is in me, Amen-Ra, prince of Thebes."

Below this is the long inscription here translated. As the text and commentary will soon be published in the Recueil des Travaux, only the simple translation is here given.

Introduction (Protocol, Lines 1-2). |1 Horus lives, the strong bull, brilliant with truth, the Unifier of both diadems, he who establishes the laws and calms both lands, the Golden-Horus, great in power, he who smites the Asiatics, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb-maat-Ra, the Son of the Sun Amenlwtep the Prince of Thebes, beloved by Amon of Kamak, the chief god in Apet, gifted with life, whose heart rejoices, ruling both lands like Ra for ever |2 the gracious god, the lord of joy of heart, he who watches over him who formed him, Amen, the king of the gods, he who makes his house great, he who makes his beauty content by doing what his ka loves. Thus his Majesty deigned to make very great monuments. Never occurred the like since the creation of the world. The Temple of Amenhotep III upon the West Bank of Thebes (lines 3-10). He made them |3 as his monument for his father Amen, the Lord of Karnak, making him a glorious house of the gods in the west of Thebes, a fortress of Eternity for eternity, of beautiful light-coloured sandstone, adorned (?) all over with gold ; its floor is inlaid with silver, |4 all its doors with electron, large and very great, splendid for ever, and ornamented with this very great monument, with many royal statues of granite from Elephantine, of wonderful stones, and all kinds of precious |5 stones, finished as works of eternity. Its height shines up to the heaven, its rays fall into the faces as the Sun when he shines in the early morning. It (i.e., the temple) is provided with a Stele of the King, which is adorned with gold and many precious stones. The |6 masts are erected before it adorned with electron. It is like the horizon of the sky when Ra rises in it. Its sea is full like the high Nile, the Lord of the fish and the birds pure in . . . , its store-house is full of male and female slaves |7 of the children of the princes of all lands, which his Majesty has captured. Its store- houses contain beauties without number. Its maga- zines are surrounded by Syrian settlements, which are settled by the children of princes. Its cattle are |8 like the sand on the seashore, its black oxen are millions from South and North Egypt. (?) There his Majesty took counsel with himself Q) like Ptah, with skilful mind, like him in the Southwall, planning favours for his father Amen-ra king of the gods, since he made him |9 a very great Pylon before the face of Amon. His beautiful name, which his majesty had given, is " Amon has received his bark of the gods " [All this is] a resting-place of the Lord of the Gods at the valley festival at the procession of Amon in the West, when he looks upon the gods of the West, that he may reward |10 his Majesty with life and purity. The Temple of Luxor (lines 10-16). King Amenhotep III who awakens (?) content- ment with the works of his father Amen Ra, the Lord of Karnak in the southern Apet, made of beautiful light-coloured sandstone, large and very great, |11 increasing its beauty. Its walls are of electron, its floor of silver, all doors are adorned with . . . , its pylons reach to the sky, they join themselves with the stars. When men see them, |12 they praise his Majesty. The King Neb-maat-Ra has appeased the heart of his father Amen of Karnak. To him every land is delivered, the Son of the sun Amenhotep, the ruler of Thebes, the splendour of Ra. . . . His majesty made another monument for his father Amen, he made him a castle (?) as an offering before the face of the southern Apet, |13 a place of recreation for my father at his beautiful festival. I have erected {saha) a great temple in its interior (?) {khenu), like Ra when he rises in the mountain of the Sun. It (i.e., the temple) is planted with all kinds of beautiful flowers. Nu is in its lake at all seasons |14 It has more wine than water, even as the Nile flows, the son of the lord of eternity (i.e., Osiris), who is rich, the seat which receives the