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THE INSCRIPTIONS. 25 tributes (?) of all lands, many gifts are brought before my father as tribute of all lands. He has given to me the lords of the lands of the south, |'5 the inhabi- tants of the south, and those of the north. Each is joined to his' neighbour. Their silver, their gold, their cattle, and all kinds of precious stones of their lands are in millions, hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, and thousands. I have made it for my begetter in loyalty of heart (?) even as |"* he made me the Sun of the peoples of the Nine Bows (bar- barians), the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb- maat-ra, the image of the Sun, the Son of the Sun, Amenhotep the Prince of Thebes. Temple of Karnak (lines 16-23). I built another monument for my begetter Amon Ra in Karnak, who is firm on his throne, making him a great bark on the stream (with the name) " Amen Ra is in the User-hat," [even a] bark of new |'7 cypress wood which his Majesty had felled {shad) in the land of the god, and which has been drawn by the princes of all lands from the mountains of Retennu, very large and great. Never was anything like (it) done. Its body (i*) is inlaid with silver, and adorned |'^ all over with gold. The holy of holies (Naos) is of electron, and fills the whole earth. Its bows .... they unite the great atf crowns. Its snakes are on its sides. They are furnished with talismans behind themselves |'9. The masts are made firm opposite it (i.e., the holy of holies), adorned with electron, two great obelisks stand between them. It is altogether beautiful. The spirits of Pe exult before it, the spirits of Nechen praise it. The gods of the inundation of the north and south |^° embrace its beauty. Nu causes its bow to shine as the sun's disk shines in heaven, in order to make its beautiful procession at his (i.e., Amen's) festival of Apet, at its procession to the west of millions of millions of years. The King Amenhotep III |^' who watches over the glory of the King (lit. " to seek the brightness of the King "), has built another monument of Amen, making a very large pylon for him, before the face of Amen Ra of Karnak, adorned all over with gold. The shadow of the god is like a ram (?) set with real lapislazuli, adorned with gold, and with many precious stones. Never was the like made |^^ Its floor is inlaid with silver, the gates opposite it stand firm. The steles are of lapislazuli, one on each side. Its pylons reach up to the sky, and the four pillars of the sky. Its flag-masts shine up to the sky ^^ adorned with electron. His majesty brought the gold for it from the land of Karoi, during his first victorious campaign, when he beat the wretched Ethiopian, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb maat Ra, the favourite of Ra, the Son of the Sun, Amen-hotep, the Prince of Thebes. Temple of Soleb (lines 23-25). I built other monuments for Amen. Its |'-» like has not been made. I built thee thy house of millions of years on the estate (?) of Amon Ra of Karnak, Kha- em-maat, the sublime of electron, the place of repose of my father at all of his festivals, which is excellently made of beautiful light-coloured sandstone, orna- mented all over with gold |=s. The ornaments of its floor are of silver, all its gates of gold. Two great obelisks are erected, one on each side, between which my father rises. I am in his suite |**. I have sacri- ficed to him thousands of oxen .... thighs. Speech of Amen : (lines 26-31). Speech of Amen-ra king of the gods : My Son out of my body, my favourite Neb-maat-ra, my living image, created by my limbs, born of Mut the Lady of Ashru in Thebes, the Lady of the peoples of the Nine Bows, who bred thee |^' as the only lord of men. My heart is greatly rejoiced when I see thy beauties. I do wonders for thy Majesty: Thou becomest young again, I have made thee the Sun of the Two Lands. I turn my face towards the SOUTH, (And) I do wonders 1=^ for thee : (For) I make the lords of Ethiopia hasten to thee With all their tributes on their backs. I turn my face towards the NORTH; (And) I do wonders for thee : (For) I make the lands come from the ends of Asia With all their tributes on their backs. They dedicate themselves to thee |»9 with their chil- dren. They come (lit. " one comes ") that thou mayest give them in return the breath of life. I turn my face towards the WEST, (And) I do wonders for thee : (For) I make thee seize the Tahenu (Libyans), They remember not, E