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will sacrifice one of his stones on line 17.

7. O 18. This stone is intended as a sacrifice to aid Black in getting the corner. It is better than Q 18.

8. N 18. White plays to secure the left-hand side.

9. Q 18. Black now secures the corner.

10. O 19. Takes.

11. R 17.

12. O 16. An important stone; it is played to secure White territory on the left, also to aid in an attack on the right-hand side.

13. P 14. This is also important as it extends Black's territory; he cannot neglect it.

14. K 16. White returns to his original plan and secures territory to the left.

Even game.

Suppose Black neglects P 14 on his thirteenth move, we would then have the following continuation:



13. "Tenuki."

14. P 14.

15. Q 14.

16. Q 13.

17. R 13.

18. R 12.

19. Q 12.

20. P 13.

21. R 11.

22. S 12.

23. S 11.

24. S 13.

25. R 14.

26. Q 11.

27. P 12.

28. S 10.

29. R 10.

30. Q 10.

31. R 9.

White has the better of it.