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Source Problems in English History

IV. The Sources

I. The Monastery of St. Vincent versus Certain Serfs of the Monastery. 854. (Latin text in Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, Vol. I, pt. 2, pp. 398-9. Translation by the editor.) 5In the name of Christ the Omnipotent. By order of the most pious lord Lewis Augustus, son of the Emperor Lothair, and also of our lord Duke Guy, we Franfid the Prefect sat in judgment in the vill Trita, which was formerly under the Prefect Audoen, 10in the cause of the serfs of the vill Offen of the Tritan valley in the Balvensian district, whom the Cell Trita of the Monastery of St. Vincent sought to reclaim as serfs; and these were present with us. [Here follow thirteen names.] So coming into the 15presence of us the above-named judge, Gunipert reeve of the Cell Trita of the Monastery of St. Vin- cent, together with the clerk Adelpert his advocate, laid claim before us to the men of the vill Offen [here are inserted the names of nine men], saying that 20although these men had always been serfs of St. Vincent, they had now for cause unknown withdrawn

themselves from that service. But on their part