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Source Problems in English History

Origin of the Jury

the said men made answer: "It is not true that either we or our fathers have been serfs of St. Vincent as Gimipert the reeve and Adelpert claim, because both we and our fathers have always been free

5men ; for the sake of protection we commended ourselves to that monastery as free men, not as serfs." To these statements Gimipert the reeve with Adelpert his advocate replied: "Indeed we have the written authorization which Lewis the prior had from

10the grandfather of our most pious lord Lewis Augustus, and also another order by which this Lewis, son of the lord Emperor Lothair, has confirmed the grant made by his grandfather to this monastery; and in order that the monastic side may at least

25have the benefit of witnesses, an inquisition ought to be held on this case as by royal authority. Therefore, if it please you, make an inquisition on this matter, as the lord Emperor commands and authorizes, to determine whether these men

20were free men in that monastery or serfs." Then we Franfid the Prefect, together with the above-named judges, saw this cause of disagreement between the parties, for these men of the vill Offen declared that they were free men and had become

25connected with that monastery for protection only and not as serfs; therefore we summoned from neighboring parts of the Tritan valley and Carapella and also from several other vills good and true men who were well acquainted with this case and knew the