Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 02.djvu/286

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

men, ringing pistol shots, the clattering fire of cavalry carbines, the dull roar of the guns—then, on a sudden, the headlong pace of "Runaway Down." The woods were now all ablaze, for Wilson had fired his trains, and the infantry and artillery, pressing forward through the stifling heat and smoke, were greeted by a sight not soon to be forgotten—a score or two of Federal troopers, in gaily-trimmed jackets, lying dead upon their faces in the dusty road—pistols, carbines, sabres, scattered over the ground in wildest profusion—a long line of ambulances filled with wounded men, who gave vent to piteous moans—a confused mass of guns, caissons, supply and ordnance wagons, dead horses, stolen vehicles of all kinds, from the wonderful "one-horse shay" to the old family carriage, all of them crammed with books, bacon, looking-glasses, and ladies' wearing apparel of every description, from garments of mysterious pattern to dresses of the finest stuff—while cowering along the road side were nearly a thousand fugitive negroes, the poor creatures almost pallid with fright, the pickaninnies roaring lustily, several of the women in the pangs of childbirth. Nor was this shameful pillage on the part of the men to be wondered at, for in the head-quarter wagon of the commanding general was found much plunder—among other articles of stolen silver a communion-service inscribed "Saint John's Church, Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg."[1]


captured within a few miles two more light guns, and ordered the Federal artillerymen to turn them upon their flying comrades. Whether through pride in their well-known proficiency in this arm of the service, or because they were conscious of the exclusive, if not gratifying attention, of sundry lean-faced Confederates of determined aspect, I do not know, but certain is it that the cannoniers soon warmed to their work, and the gunners, stepping quickly aside to avoid the smoke, marked the successful shots, and discovered their satisfaction by cries of approbation to their men.[2]

Thus Wilson, who but eight days before had crossed this road in all the pomp of war, with gaily-flaunting pennons and burnished trappings flashing in the sun, while the earth trembled beneath the thunder of his trampling squadrons, now slunk across the Notto-

  1. A list of the stolen silver may be found in the Richmond Examiner, July 5th, 1864. In the same paper (June 27th) may be seen an official list, sent by General Lomax, of the silver found in Custer's head-quarter wagon captured at Trevilian's. The silver was sent to W. H. McFarland, Esq., of Richmond, to be identified and reclaimed by its owners.
  2. Fitz. Lee's MS. report. Statement of Lieutenant Charles Minnigerode, A. D. C.