Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/200

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Editorial Paragraphs.
Editorial Paragraphs
Editorial Paragraphs

The Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Society will be held in the Hall of the House of Delegates, in this city, on Wednesday evening, October the 31st.

General John T. Morgan, of Selma, U. S. Senator from Alabama, will deliver the annual address, and a pleasant occasion is anticipated.

Members of the Society and all others interested in our work are cordially invited to attend.

The Reunion of the Virginia Division of the A. N. V. Association takes place in Richmond on Thursday night, November 1st.

Leigh Robinson, Esq., of Washington, a gallant "high private" in the old Richmond Howitzers, is the orator of the occasion, and has chosen as his theme, "The Battle of the Wilderness."

The banquet which is to follow the public address will be an occasion of rare enjoyment, when old comrades will share their rations with each other and "fight their battles o'er again."

The Financial Statement in our last issue was by no means intended to convey the idea that there is any purpose to suspend our publications. We only desired to advise our friends of our need of prompt payment of their dues in order to enable us to meet our obligations and carry out important plans for making our Papers more valuable than ever.

But we would repeat with emphasis, that those who intend to become Life Members—to raise us clubs of new subscribers—or to help us in any way—are not likely to find in the future a time when they can do so more acceptably to the Society.

Our Gettysburg Series is still exciting the deepest interest in every quarter. We have letters from our distinguished foreign correspondent expressing his very high appreciation of the interest and value of these papers.

We will be glad to have additional papers from anybody who knows anything about the great battle worth publishing.

Errata.—On page 109, (Sept. No.), "Heth's Division under Pettigrew," should read Wilcox's Command, and so "Pettigrew" should read Wilcox, For "ripoote," page 110, read riposte.