Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/201

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Vol. IV.
Richmond, Va., November, 1877.
No. 5.

Report of General Patton Anderson of Operations of his Division from 30th of July to 31st of August, 1864, including the Battle of Jonesboro', Georgia.

[From the original unpublished MS. in archives of the Southern Historical Society.]

Monticello, Florida, February 9th, 1865.

In compliance with circular order from Headquarters Lee's Corps, dated January 24th, 1864—a copy of which reached me by mail on yesterday—I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the division I commanded from the 30th of July to the 31st of August, inclusive:

On the 28th of July, 1864, Hindman's division, of Lee's corps, was hotly engaged with the enemy about three miles from Atlanta, on the Lickskillett road and near the poorhouse. In that engagement the division lost in killed, wounded and missing upwards of five hundred men and officers. On the 29th I was assigned to, and on the 30th assumed, the command of the division, consisting of Sharp's and Brantley's brigades of Mississippians, Deas' brigade of Alabamians, and Manigault's brigade of Alabama and South Carolina troops. Lee's corps was, at that time, holding the extreme left of our lines in front of Atlanta; my division was on the right of Lee's corps—my right resting on the Lickskillet road, my left on Utoy creek. Deas', Brantley's, Sharp's and Manigault's brigades were in position in the order named from right to left, and numbered in all about 2,800 bayonets. The position had been taken on the night of the 28th of July, after the command